Camps and Clinics: Execution Guide (Part 2)

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This is the second and last part of the two-part course about Running a Camp/Clinic for NIL purposes. This second course explains considerations as you organize and execute your camp or clinic and give you hints for follow-up after the fact. 

In this course you will…

  1. Recall and review all the aspects of camp/clinic preparation from the previous course
  2. Prepare the daily/weekly camp schedule using your previously planned curriculum
  3. Physically set up and map out areas of camp: stations, drills, snack/water, group gathering spaces
  4. Organize camp/clinic check-in for participants and their families
  5. Document the game day and plan how you will use photos and videos
  6. Design the end of the day/week activities, awards and goodbyes
  7. Follow-up effectively and professionally to gather feedback and communicate with participants

  1. Computer, Tablet or Smart Phone
  2. Internet Access
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Course Content

1.0 Ready to Execute
2.0 Game Day
3.0 Camp/Clinic Follow Up Steps
4.0 Conclusion
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