Camp and Clinics: Planning Guide (Part 1)

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This course outlines considerations that you might want to keep in mind if you are interested in planning and eventually organizing a camp or clinic using NIL. This first part of the two part course will highlight everything from camp/clinic finances and business structure to registration and camp programming. While every camp/clinic is different we hope that this course gives you an idea of what may be involved as you begin this journey. 

In this course you will…

  1. Differentiate between different types of camps and clinics
  2. Identify the different areas of the camp/clinic where you need to plan and prepare
  3. Detail administrative and programming items for your camp/clinic and what to consider
  4. Prepare financial as well as functional logistics for your camp/clinic to ensure your preparedness for smooth execution
  5. Name and gather all materials and equipment needed for a successful camp/clinic
  6. Develop registration practices for your camp/clinic
  7. Brainstorm and execute marketing and promotion for your camp/clinic
  8. Secure sponsorships from local businesses to help financially and potentially convert them into NIL deals
  1. Computer, Tablet or Smart Phone
  2. Internet Access
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Course Content

1.0 Getting Started with Camps/Clinics
2.0 Types of Camps/Clinics
3.0 Initial Considerations
4.0 Business Structure & Financial Considerations
5.0 Administrative & Logistics Planning
6.0 Camp/Clinic Programming
7.0 Safety & Liability Protection
8.0 Promotion of your Camp/Clinic
9.0 Leveraging Sponsorships
10.0 Conclusion
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